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Photo Challenge #1 - Selfies


Updated: Feb 8, 2024

Those who follow me on my Facebook page, were able to be part of a new challenge! A photography challenge! Each week has a new theme, and I encourage followers to participate. I'm looking forward to challenging myself and hoping my group holds me accountable to that! Our first challenge - tried to keep it an easy one that ANYONE could do! Selfies! Selfies are actually harder than they look because the true challenge isn't the photo itself, but rather facing your own insecurities - and then posting for everyone to see. No matter how we look, we as human beings, all have our own insecurities or things we wish we could change. Want to know mine? I think I look great in person, and then I see myself on camera and hate everything! LOL! Why am I like that? I know I'm not the only one!

My first attempt this week

A reason I really wanted to do this as the first challenge is because us as moms ESPECIALLY never are in front of the camera. We are often the memory makers. The ones planning the events and then also capturing the events. If we didn't exist, would there be a record of our kids' childhoods? Really, seriously. Not knocking dad's... but I know in my family there are 100 pictures I take to every 1 my husband might take - that's probably low actually. (And the ones he takes of ME are not my favorite... that's an understatement. I'm like talking, or eating, or my RBF is full-force.) So I appreciate everyone who shared a photo this week, because it isn't easy! We aren't in front of the camera often and we aren't usually focusing on ourselves and sharing our insecurities with others. Kudos to you guys!

Second attempt - kinda digging the shadows, although not usually what I go for aesthetically

So my goal with these photo challenges - several things... since we are the memory makers, let's up our game! I want everyone to feel challenged each week, whether it's a new technique, or maybe creatively, or maybe even looking at the world in a new way. I can't wait to see what everyone comes up with week-to-week! And yes, there will be a weekly winner! We'll be judging on 3 things: composition, lighting, and creativity! As "momtographers", if you can nail those 3 things, you'll be pros at capturing the things that matter most to you.

Third attempt... fun fact, I had to edit out Henry's FEET from the picture behind my head because they were poking out behind my hair. 0/10 composition. haha

And for the winners? At the end of the year, I'll draw one person randomly out of the weekly winners to spend an afternoon with me! Anything photography related! Maybe that's learning how to use your camera, or practicing a technique. Learning how to edit in PS or on your phone. Maybe you want to print photos for your house and you're overwhelmed by all the options out there. Or maybe you need new headshots or could use a branding session! I'm here to help!

At the end of the day, its all about having a creative outlet and expanding your knowledge. As a professional photographer, that's really all I'm doing out here. I want to share that passion with all of you! If you're a participant week-to-week, feel free to drop your questions in the comments of any of the challenges or in the blogs! I can't wait to see what you all come up with!

My final image, posted to the group

Let's get those creative juices flowing! Tori



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